PyFoil 1.1

Sto continuando lo sviluppo dell’applicazione presentata in un precedente articolo, PyFoil.

PyFoil è scritto in Python per dispositivi mobili Symbian. Per utilizzarlo è necessario installare PyS60 sul proprio cellulare.

La versione precedente a questa era in grado solo di disegnare profili alari, in questa versione ho migliorato questa funzione e ne ho aggiunte di nuove.
L’applicazione è divisa in quattro schede:

  • Intro: è una semplice scheda di introduzione sul programma
  • Plot: permette di disegnare un NACA a 4 o 5 cifre e di esportare l’immagine in un file
  • Group: permette il calcolo di alcuni gruppi adimensionali quali Reynolds, Mach e Froude, a partire da diversi parametri
  • ISA: restituisce i parametri dell’Atmosfera Standard in base all’altitudine, espressa in metri o piedi.

Prossimi sviluppi: l’obiettivo è quello di creare un’applicazione che possa essere da supporto (mobile) ad un ingegnere aerospaziale. Le prossime funzioni riguarderanno: la risoluzione del campo di moto attorno ai profili con relative informazioni connesse; aumento del numero di gruppi adimensionali calcolabili; calcolo di informazioni relative all’ala.

Bug noti: il calcolo di densità e pressione nell’ISA utilizza la stessa funzione sia per la troposfera che per la stratosfera, che è un errore. Purtroppo la formula del calcolo in stratosfera mi dava qualche errore e ho dovuto fare questa semplificazione che risolverò nella prossima versione.

Alcuni screenshot:

Segue il codice del programma.

import e32
import graphics
import appuifw
from random import randint
from math import sqrt, sin, cos, tan, atan, log10, ceil, pi, e as E

def draw(r=None):
    """Draw the buffer on the canvas"""
    if buffer:

c = appuifw.Canvas(redraw_callback=draw)
buffer = = c
width, height = c.size
# N contains geometrical parameter of airfoil
airfoil = N = digit = altitude = None

def derivative(func, x, par=None):
    """Derivates a function (par is an additional parameter to derivate
    functions like mean_line(x, N))"""
    if par:
        return (func(x, par) - func(x+0.01, par))/0.01
        return (func(x) - func(x+0.01))/0.01

def mean_line(x, N):
    """Airfoil mean line function (N contains NACA parameters)"""
    t, m, p = N
    if digit == 4:
        if p == 0:
            return 0
        elif x <= p:             return m / (p**2) * (2*p*x - x**2)         elif x > p:
            return m * (1 - 2*p + 2*p*x - x**2) / ((1 - p)**2)
    elif digit == 5:
        if x <= m:             return p / 6 * (x**3 - 3*m*x**2 + m**2 * (3 - m)*x)         elif x > m:
            return p * m**3 / 6*(1 - x)

def thickness(x, N):
    """Airfoil thickness function (N contains NACA parameters)"""
    t, m, p = N
    return t / 0.2 * (+0.2969 * x**0.5 +
                      -0.1260 * x**1 +
                      -0.3516 * x**2 +
                      +0.2843 * x**3 +
                      -0.1015 * x**4)

def NACA_set():
    """Set NACA to operate"""
    global airfoil, digit, N
    airfoil = appuifw.query(u'Insert 4-5 digit NACA', 'number')
    if airfoil:
        digit = ceil(log10(airfoil))
        # Digit correction for 00XX and 000X
        if digit in [1, 2]: digit = 4
        t = (airfoil%100)/100. # Thickness
        if digit == 4:
            m = (airfoil/1000)/100. # Max camber
            p = (airfoil/100-airfoil/1000*10)/10. # Max camber position
            N = (t, m, p)
        elif digit == 5:
            mean_line_datas = {210:[0.0580, 361.4],
                               220:[0.1260, 51.64],
                               230:[0.2025, 15.957],
                               240:[0.2900, 6.643],
                               250:[0.3910, 3.230]}
                m = mean_line_datas[airfoil/100][0]
                p = mean_line_datas[airfoil/100][1]
                N = (t, m, p)
            except KeyError:
                appuifw.note(u'NACA not supported!', 'error')
            appuifw.note(u'NACA must be 4 or 5 digit!', 'error')
        appuifw.note(u'NACA must be 4 or 5 digit!', 'error')

def NACA_plot():
    """Plots a NACA"""
    if not airfoil:
        if not airfoil:
    font = (None, 30)
    color0 = (0, 0, 0) # Text color
    color1 = (0, 0, 255) # Airfoil color
    color2 = (255, 0, 0) # Meanline color
    color3 = (100, 100, 100) # Radius color
    # Draws the axes
    s_width = width - 10 # Scaled width, for the border
    y0 = height/2 # Origin of axes
    buffer.line((0, y0, width, y0), outline=color0)
    # Draws the scale
    unit = 10 # Axis will be divided into %unit part
    for u in range(11):
        buffer.line((5 + u * s_width / unit, y0 - 2,
                     5 + u * s_width / unit, y0 + 2),
    # Unit legend
    buffer.line((10, 2*y0 - 20,
                 10 + s_width/unit, 2*y0 - 20),
    buffer.text((20 + s_width/unit, 2*y0 - 15),
                 u'%d%% of the chord' % (100/unit),
    # Displays infos about the airfoil
    radius = 1.1019 * N[0]**2
    radius_pos = (5, y0 - radius*s_width,
                  5 + radius*s_width*2, y0 + radius*s_width)
    buffer.ellipse(radius_pos, outline=color3)
    buffer.text((10, 30), u'NACA %0#4d' % airfoil, font=font, fill=color0)
    buffer.text((10, 55), u'Camber radius: %.4f' % radius, fill=color0)
    # Plot
    for x in range(s_width):
        x = float(x)/s_width
        # xx is an increment of x to calculate next point
        xx = (x * s_width + 1) / s_width
        # Meanline
        xM_1 = 5 + x * s_width
        yM_1 = y0 - mean_line(x, N) * s_width
        xM_2 = 5 + xx * s_width
        yM_2 = y0 - mean_line(xx, N) * s_width
        buffer.line((xM_1, yM_1, xM_2, yM_2), outline=color2)
        # Airfoil (U: Upper, L: Lower, 1-2 are 1st and 2nd point of the line)
        teta = atan(derivative(mean_line, x, N))
        xU_1 = 5 + (x - thickness(x, N)*sin(teta)) * s_width
        yU_1 = y0 - (mean_line(x, N) - thickness(x, N)*cos(teta)) * s_width
        xL_1 = 5 + (x + thickness(x, N)*sin(teta)) * s_width
        yL_1 = y0 - (mean_line(x, N) + thickness(x, N)*cos(teta)) * s_width
        xU_2 = 5 + (xx - thickness(xx, N)*sin(teta)) * s_width
        yU_2 = y0 - (mean_line(xx, N) - thickness(xx, N)*cos(teta)) * s_width
        xL_2 = 5 + (xx + thickness(xx, N)*sin(teta)) * s_width
        yL_2 = y0 - (mean_line(xx, N) + thickness(xx, N)*cos(teta)) * s_width
        buffer.line((xU_1, yU_1, xU_2, yU_2), outline=color1, width=2)
        buffer.line((xL_1, yL_1, xL_2, yL_2), outline=color1, width=2)

def NACA_export():
    """Export NACA plot as image"""
    if not airfoil:
        if not airfoil:
    new_width = appuifw.query(u'Image width (px)', 'number', 800)
    new_height = new_width / 1.4
    image =, new_height))
    font = (None, 30)
    color0 = (0, 0, 0) # Text color
    color1 = (0, 0, 255) # Airfoil color
    color2 = (255, 0, 0) # Meanline color
    color3 = (100, 100, 100) # Radius color
    # Draws the axes
    s_width = new_width - 10 # Scaled width, for the border
    y0 = new_height/2 # Origin of axes
    image.line((0, y0, new_width, y0), outline=color0)
    # Draws the scale
    unit = 10 # Axis will be divided into %unit part
    for u in range(11):
        image.line((5 + u * s_width / unit, y0 - 2,
                    5 + u * s_width / unit, y0 + 2),
    # Unit legend
    image.line((10, 2*y0 - 20,
                 10 + s_width/unit, 2*y0 - 20),
    image.text((20 + s_width/unit, 2*y0 - 15),
                 u'%d%% of the chord' % (100/unit),
    # Displays infos about the airfoil
    radius = 1.1019 * N[0]**2
    radius_pos = (5, y0 - radius*s_width,
                  5 + radius*s_width*2, y0 + radius*s_width)
    image.ellipse(radius_pos, outline=color3)
    image.text((10, 30), u'NACA %0#4d' % airfoil, font=font, fill=color0)
    image.text((10, 55), u'LE radius: %.4f' % radius, fill=color0)
    # Plot
    for x in range(s_width):
        x = float(x)/s_width
        # xx is an increment of x to calculate next point
        xx = (x * s_width + 1) / s_width
        # Meanline
        xM_1 = 5 + x * s_width
        yM_1 = y0 - mean_line(x, N) * s_width
        xM_2 = 5 + xx * s_width
        yM_2 = y0 - mean_line(xx, N) * s_width
        image.line((xM_1, yM_1, xM_2, yM_2), outline=color2)
        # Airfoil (U: Upper, L: Lower)
        teta = atan(derivative(mean_line, x, N))
        xU_1 = 5 + (x - thickness(x, N)*sin(teta)) * s_width
        yU_1 = y0 - (mean_line(x, N) - thickness(x, N)*cos(teta)) * s_width
        xL_1 = 5 + (x + thickness(x, N)*sin(teta)) * s_width
        yL_1 = y0 - (mean_line(x, N) + thickness(x, N)*cos(teta)) * s_width
        xU_2 = 5 + (xx - thickness(xx, N)*sin(teta)) * s_width
        yU_2 = y0 - (mean_line(xx, N) - thickness(xx, N)*cos(teta)) * s_width
        xL_2 = 5 + (xx + thickness(xx, N)*sin(teta)) * s_width
        yL_2 = y0 - (mean_line(xx, N) + thickness(xx, N)*cos(teta)) * s_width
        image.line((xU_1, yU_1, xU_2, yU_2), outline=color1, width=2)
        image.line((xL_1, yL_1, xL_2, yL_2), outline=color1, width=2)
    file_name = appuifw.query(u'Insert file name', 'text', u'.png')
    file_path = u'C:\\%s' % file_name
    del image
    appuifw.note(u'Image saved at C:\\%s' % file_name, 'info')
    # Ask if want to send the file
    if appuifw.query(u'Send the file via BT?', 'query'):
            import btsocket as socket
        except ImportError:
            import socket
        address, services = socket.bt_obex_discover()
        channel = services.items()[0][1]
            socket.bt_obex_send_file(address, channel, file_path)
        except error:
            appuifw.note(error.decode('utf-8'), 'error')

def velocity_field():
    """Solve the velocity field"""
    appuifw.note(u'Coming soon!', 'info')

def ISA(z):
    """International standard atmosphere"""
    T_sl = 288.15 # Kelvin
    p_sl = 101325.0 # Pascal
    rho_sl = 1.225 # kg/m^3
    # Air gas constant: 287 J / (kg * K)
    T = T_sl - 6.5 * (z/1000.0) # Thermal gradient: -6.5 K/km
    p = p_sl * (T/T_sl) ** (9.81 / 287 / 6.5e-3)
    rho = rho_sl * (T/T_sl) ** (9.81 / 287 / 6.5e-3 - 1)
    # Troposphere
    #if z < 11000:     #    T = T_sl - 6.5 * (z/1000.0) # Thermal gradient: -6.5 K/km     #    p = p_sl * (T/T_sl) ** (9.81 / 287 / 6.5e-3)     #    rho = rho_sl * (T/T_sl) ** (9.81 / 287 / 6.5e-3 - 1)     ## Stratosphere     #elif z >= 11000 and z < 20000:     #    T = 216.65     #    p = 2270 * E ** (-9.81 / 287 / 6.5e-3 * (z-11000))     #    rho = 0.2978 * E ** (-9.81 / 287 / 6.5e-3 * (z-11000))     #elif z >= 20000:
    #    # Up 20000 m thermal gradient is approximated
    #    T = 216.65 + 0.98 * (z-20000)/1000.0 # Thermal gradient: ~ 0.98 K/km
    #    p = 2270 * E ** (-9.81 / 287 / 6.5e-3 * (z-11000))
    #    rho = 0.2978 * E ** (-9.81 / 287 / 6.5e-3 * (z-11000))
    return (T, p, rho)

def Reynolds():
    """Shows a form to calculate dimensionless quantity"""
    fields = [(u'Speed [m/s]', 'float', 0.0),
              (u'Density [kg/m^3]', 'float', 0.0),
              (u'D. viscosity [Pa*s]', 'float', 0.0),
              (u'Linear dimension [m]', 'float', 0.0)]
    flag = appuifw.FFormEditModeOnly + appuifw.FFormDoubleSpaced
    form = appuifw.Form(fields, flag)
    # Result
    speed, density, viscosity, linear_d = [i[2] for i in list(form)]
    reynolds = density * speed * linear_d / viscosity
    appuifw.query(u'Reynolds:', 'text', unicode(reynolds))
    appuifw.query(u'Reynolds (exp):', 'text', u'%.0e' % reynolds)

def Mach():
    """Shows a form to calculate dimensionless quantity"""
    fields = [(u'Speed [m/s]', 'float', 0.0),
              (u'Sound speed [m/s]', 'float', 0.0),
              (u'* Temperature [\u00B0C]', 'float', 0.0),
              (u'* Altitude [m]', 'float', 0.0)]
    flag = appuifw.FFormEditModeOnly + appuifw.FFormDoubleSpaced
    form = appuifw.Form(fields, flag)
    appuifw.note(u'You may use temp. or alt. instead of sound speed', 'info')
    # Result
    speed, sound_speed, temperature, altitude = [i[2] for i in list(form)]
    if sound_speed == 0.0:
        if temperature != 0.0:
            # Air gas constant: 287 J / (kg * K)
            sound_speed = (1.4 * 287 * (273.15+temperature)) ** 0.5
        elif altitude != 0.0:
            sound_speed = (1.4 * 287 * ISA(altitude)[0]) ** 0.5
            appuifw.note(u'Not enough parameters', 'error')
    mach = speed / sound_speed
    appuifw.query(u'Mach:', 'text', unicode(mach))

def Froude():
    """Shows a form to calculate dimensionless quantity"""
    fields = [(u'Speed [m/s]', 'float', 0.0),
              (u'\u0394 z [m]', 'float', 0.0),
              (u'Gravity [m/s^2]', 'float', 9.81)]
    flag = appuifw.FFormEditModeOnly + appuifw.FFormDoubleSpaced
    form = appuifw.Form(fields, flag)
    # Result
    speed, linear_d, gravity = [i[2] for i in list(form)]
    froude = speed * speed / gravity / linear_d
    appuifw.query(u'Froude:', 'text', unicode(froude))

def rotate_screen():
    """Rotate the screen and rebuilt the canvas"""
    global width, height, c, buffer
    screen =
    if screen == 'landscape': = 'portrait'
    else: = 'landscape'
    del c
    c = appuifw.Canvas(redraw_callback=draw)
    width, height = c.size
    buffer = buffer.resize(c.size)

def set_altitude(um):
    """Set altitude (um is unit of measurement)"""
    global altitude
    if um == 'm':
        altitude = appuifw.query(u'Insert altitude [m]:', 'float')
    elif um == 'ft':
        altitude_ft = appuifw.query(u'Insert altitude [ft]:', 'float')
        altitude = altitude_ft * 0.3048
    if altitude == None:
        appuifw.note(u'Altitude not set!', 'error')

def quit():

def tab_0():
    """Starting graphics"""
    color1 = (0, 0, 0)
    color2 = (0, 255, 0)
    color3 = (0, 150, 0)
    font1 = (u'Nokia Hindi TitleSmBd S6', 30)
    font2 = font3 = (u'Nokia Hindi TitleSmBd S6', 15)
    text1 = u'NACA PyFoil'
    text2 = u'By Ale152'
    text3 = u''
    box1 = buffer.measure_text(text1, font1)
    box2 = buffer.measure_text(text2, font2)
    box3 = buffer.measure_text(text3, font3)
    position1 = ((width-box1[0][2])/2, 30)
    position2 = ((width-box2[0][2])/2, 50)
    position3 = ((width-box3[0][2])/2, 65)
    buffer.text(position1, text1, font=font1, fill=color1)
    buffer.text(position2, text2, font=font2, fill=color1)
    buffer.text(position3, text3, font=font3, fill=color1)
    s_width = width - 40 # Scaled width, for the border
    N = (0.12, 0, 0) # NACA intro
    for x in range(s_width):
        x = float(x)/s_width
        # Airfoil (U: Upper, L: Lower)
        xL = xU = 20 + x * s_width
        yU = height/2 - thickness(x, N) * s_width
        yL = height/2 + thickness(x, N) * s_width
        buffer.line((xU, yU, xL, yL), outline=color2, width=2)
        buffer.point((xL, yL), outline=color3, width=2)

def tab_1():
    """NACA Plot tab"""
    if not airfoil:
        position = (10, 30)
        color1 = (0, 0, 100) # Text
        color2 = (0, 0, 0) # Axes
        color3 = (80, 80, 80) # Units
        color4 = (0, 0, 200) # Function
        buffer.text(position, u'Please set a NACA from menu', fill=color1)
        # Draws an axes system (origin in [w/3, h/2])
        for k in range(30):
            xA = k * width/30
            yA = height/2
            xO = width/3
            yO = k * (height-50)/30
            buffer.line((xA, yA-2, xA, yA+3), outline=color3)
            buffer.line((xO-2, 50+yO, xO+3, 50+yO), outline=color3)
        buffer.line((width/3, 50, width/3, height), outline=color2)
        buffer.line((0, height/2, width, height/2), outline=color2)
        # Draws a function
        for t in range(900):
            t = float(t)
            x = t * cos(t*pi/180) / 15
            y = t * sin(t*pi/180) / 15
            buffer.point((width/3 + x, height/2 + y), outline=color4, width=2)

def tab_2():
    """Dimensionless goup form"""
    position = (10, 30)
    color1 = (0, 0, 100)
    color2 = (200, 0, 0)
    buffer.text(position, u'Select a group from menu', fill=color1)
    x0 = width / 2
    y0 = height / 1.5
    l = 15
    for i in range(400):
        x0 += randint(-l, l)
        y0 += randint(-l, l)
        if y0 < 50: y0 = 50         if y0 > height: y0 = height
        if x0 < 0: x0 = 0         if x0 > width: x0 = width
        buffer.point((x0, y0), outline=color2, width=2)

def tab_3():
    """Shows a form to calculate ISA parameters"""
    if altitude == None:
        position = (10, 30)
        color = (0, 0, 100)
        buffer.text(position, u'Please set altitude from menu', fill=color)
        font = (u'Nokia Hindi TitleSmBd S6', 30)
        isa_text = [u'International', u'Standard', u'Atmosphere']
        buffer.text((10, 70), isa_text[0], font=font, fill=color)
        buffer.text((30, 100), isa_text[1], font=font, fill=color)
        buffer.text((50, 130), isa_text[2], font=font, fill=color)
    temp, press, dens = ISA(altitude)
    fields = [(u'Temperature [K]', 'text', u'%.3f' % temp),
              (u'Temperature [\u00B0C]', 'text', u'%.3f' % (temp - 273.15)),
              (u'Pressure [Pa]', 'text', u'%.3f' % press),
              (u'Density [kg/m^3]', 'text', u'%.3f' % dens)]
    flag = appuifw.FFormDoubleSpaced
    form = appuifw.Form(fields, flag)

def set_tab(index):
    """Set tab function"""
    if index == 0: # Starting
        tab_0() = menu_0
    elif index == 1: # NACA Plot
        tab_1() = menu_1
    elif index == 2: # Dim.less goup
        tab_2() = menu_2
    elif index == 3: # ISA
        tab_3() = menu_3

tabs = [u'Intro', u'Plot', u'Group', u'ISA'], set_tab)

# Starting menu
menu_0 = [(u'Rotate screen', rotate_screen),
          (u'About', lambda: appuifw.note(u'Created by Ale152', 'info')),
          (u'Quit', quit)]
# NACA Plot menu
menu_1 = [(u'Set NACA', NACA_set),
          (u'Plot', NACA_plot),
          (u'Export IMG', NACA_export),
          (u'Rotate screen', rotate_screen),
          (u'Quit', quit)]
# Dim.less group menu
menu_2 = [(u'Reynolds', Reynolds),
          (u'Mach', Mach),
          (u'Froude', Froude),
          (u'Rotate screen', rotate_screen),
          (u'Quit', quit)]
# ISA menu
menu_3 = [(u'Set altitude', ((u'Meters', lambda: set_altitude(um='m')),
                             (u'Feet', lambda: set_altitude(um='ft')))),
          (u'Rotate screen', rotate_screen),
          (u'Quit', quit)]

app_lock = e32.Ao_lock()